Ways to donate
Sailing is a transformative experience that builds confidence, competence and resilience in young people. Children’s Sailing Trust lessons are provided at generously subsidised rates or free-of-charge, so this opportunity is available to all.
“The life skills young people learn from sailing go far beyond the practical skills of controlling a boat” ~ Professor Bill Lucas, Director of the Centre for Real-World Learning, University of Winchester
We need your help to fund our education programme, so that we can offer sailing lessons and inclusive watersports classes to children from all backgrounds and of all abilities.
Make a Donation
You can make a real difference. Our charity provides watersports opportunities to young people in Cornwall. In doing so, children develop confidence, competence and resilience that transfers into the classroom and their homelives.
Time and again we see the life-affirming powers that sailing can have. Your donations make this possible. Please donate to help us create affordable and accessible watersports sessions that enrich local children’s lives. Donate here.
Leave a Legacy
If you’re taking the time to write or update your will, please consider making a pledge to support the work of Children’s Sailing Trust. Legacy gifts have been instrumental in helping our charity provide life-affirming sailing opportunities to thousands of young people since 1997, and a gift in your will could make a huge difference in the coming years.
Please do get in touch if you require any support or information that we can assist with. Thank you.
Payroll Giving
This tax-efficient and easy way of giving allows you to donate to charity from your pay. It not only means that you will pay less tax, Payroll Giving also helps charities to plan ahead and reduces time on admin.
It is easy to setup and once it is done you can feel confident that your money will be transmitted every month. If you’re interested you can ask your Payroll Department directly for how to get started. More information can be found here.
Fundraise for CST
Whether you’re a baker, runner or want to try something new, why not fundraise for Children’s Sailing Trust with a new challenge. By hosting a bake sale, sponsored sail, fitness challenge or something weird and wonderful, you can collect much-needed funds for the work of our charity.
Each penny and pound raised will help make a real difference to our ability to create affordable and accessible watersports opportunities for young people in Cornwall. Do get in touch if we can help with your fundraising efforts in any way.
“This has been a life changing experience for some of my students. Students that have extremely high levels of anxiety, and would normally not try a new activity, would be out on a kayak or sailing boat within the first term. We are very grateful for the amazing opportunity to go sailing with our students and may it continue for years to come”
~ Chriselle Bishop, Post-16 Lead & Sailing Co-ordinator, Curnow Special School