Supporting CST

With thanks to the High Sheriff of Cornwall, Toby Ashworth of Nare Hotel, for his support and promotion of our work, helping young children learn life skills through sailing to travel the seas of their lives.  

It’s the backing of supporters like you that ensure we can provide hundreds of children each year with watersports experiences that they may not otherwise have.

Your support truly creates confidence and changes lives through sailing.

Please help us to reach more young people by donating today.

A message from the High Sheriff of Cornwall as to why this year he is supporting Childrens’ Sailing Trust


“I was very lucky to have been brought up in Cornwall and to have been taught to sail by my father.  I was even luckier to have access to a Mirror dinghy off Restronguet on the Carrick Roads, and the chance to sneak off one day by myself for my first solo sail. It was my life changing moment. I was only seven at the time and I don’t think my grandmother quite noticed I was missing.  The sense of achievement circumnavigating Carick Carlys Rock that day I will never forget, and so to this day I still relish sailing solo.

From then on I have always loved sailing. The challenges, the achievements, and the opportunities are endless. It has allowed me to sail all over the world.  I sailed in team matches at school. I sailed offshore races. I spent some time in the Royal Navy. My life was at sea, but it all started here in Cornwall. Of course, I wasn’t the first Cornishman and, with the good work of the Childrens’ Sailing Trust continuing, I know I won’t be the last. I really want all children in Cornwall to have that chance to try sailing and watersports and to reach their full potential on the high seas of life.

Please do give to those that are not so fortunate as I was the opportunity to learn this lifelong skill….. just think how much you can do to help children form lifelong skills with a just little help from the start.

Please do support the Children’s Sailing Trust.”


could cover the cost of one local primary school child's first time out on the water with a sailing session on the Helford River


would sponsor a child's place on a group of 30 to attend sailing lessons for one whole season


would help towards upgrading our fleet of safety boats whilch accompany young people on every outing, both on river and lake