Support us

We welcome one-off donations with open arms, but we also rely on committed giving, to allow us to plan for the future. Becoming a Friend of CST with a regular contribution helps to secure the future of the charity and invest in the future of our children.

Friends of CST

Friends of Children’s Sailing Trust exists to support and promote the charitable activities of the Children’s Sailing Trust.

The Trust teaches over 450 local schoolchildren how to sail each year. With your help, we can teach even more, helping them progress through their academic years.

By choosing to donate on a regular basis, you become a Friend of CST and support schoolchildren of all abilities to:

  • Experience the enjoyment, challenge and achievement of learning sailing and watersports
  • Be safe on the water
  • Learn about the marine environment by experiencing it
  • Become more confident, confident, resilient and learn creative thinking – skills that can be applied in all aspects of life

Your contributions will help fund the Charity’s work going forwards, supporting our work with schools and home education groups in unrestricted ways such as paying towards Dinghy Instructors and specialist Instructors for schools’ lessons, along with inclusive sailing and watersports sessions, protective kit and dinghies.

Children’s Sailing Trust will be organising an annual Friends’ Day and sending Friends regular updates on our activities (please opt in on the form to receive updates).

There will be opportunities to get involved in events and in helping the Trust with your time and skills should you wish.

Become our Friend

Please complete the form below or call 01326 702326.