Image and video usage at CST

For charities like Children’s Sailing Trust, images, video content and stories are vital in sharing the work we do with the wider community.

The following information help to ensure that you feel in control of yours or your child’s image. Of course, consent given can be changed or withdrawn by yourself at any time by notifying Children’s Sailing Trust. However as with any information placed on the internet, a degree of control over the distribution and retrieval of such information may be lost.

Thank you for your support.


Public use of images and video footage

We keep information and images to be used in our communications for 5 years, after which they will not be used externally without further permission.

Images will be used without identifying features such as names, narrow locations of where participants are from, ages or other specific details, unless further permission sought.

Identifying footage taken may be used in the following ways by Children’s Sailing Trust: 

Where Used Examples
Online Social media channels, website, emails
Promotional, information or marketing purposes in media clips TV coverage
Promotional, information or marketing purposes in print Newspaper articles, adverts, fundraising packs, leaflets, annual report, displays
Third Party Partners Allows us to share the image with key organisational partners e.g. business partners, trusts and foundations in reports

If you have any queries, comments or would like to see examples of how information like this is used in our communications and fundraising, please get in touch at or call 01326 702326.

As at: 3 January 2024